Chemical Analysis
Metallurgical Testing Labs is equipped with a state-of-the-art Spectrometer which includes the ability to read elements such as Nitrogen (N) as well as many other trace elements. This Spectrometer is a 10-base machine that can test:
- Ferrous-based material (Fe-base: Mild steels, Stainless Steels, Tool Steel, etc)
- Chromium-based materials (Cr-base)
- Nickel-based material (Ni-base)
- Aluminum based materials (Al-base)
- Cobalt-based materials (Co-base)
- Lead-based materials (Pb-base)
- Titanium-based materials (Ti-base)
- Tin based materials (Sn-Base)
- Zinc-based materials (Zn-Base)
- Magnesium based materials (Mg-Base)
MTL runs a state-of-the-art LMS (Lab Management System) aptly named JARVIS. This paperless system communicates directly with the testing equipment which imports the data directly into the final certificate. This significantly reduces the potential for human/operator error.
It is noted that Metallurgical Testing Labs is SANAS Accredited for this testing Method (OES)

The question that is often asked is if spectrographic analysis (OES) is more or less accurate when compared to wet chemical analysis (i.e. ICP). The simplest answer to this question is that they are equally as accurate, depending on the equipment itself. Both methods can report elements to the 3rd or 4th decimal place. There are however different advantages/disadvantages with each method:
For Spectrographic Analysis (OES): This testing method is fast and accurate with the test itself taking about 30min to complete (including sample preparation). This significantly reduces the costs associated with the testing method. However, there is a limitation to this method when it comes to the size of the sample being tested. This method is not able to test very small/fine items such as metal filings/shavings/powders/coatings.
For Wet Chemical Analysis (ICP): This testing method is much slower when compared to OES with an average of a 7-day turnaround time (including sample preparation). This in turn significantly increases the price when compared to OES. However, Wet chemical analysis can accurately test small and fine items such as filings, shavings, powders, and coatings.